Monday 17 June 2013

Bush beans

The bean which does not climb is the bush bean. This bean is usually eaten dry.

Regarding to the pole beans which climbs along stakes, the bush beans usually stays with their pods stiffer and fibrous earlier.

Our harvest is done when the pods are already filled, while they are not very dry, we thrash them up and freeze them for consumption either in normal meals or in soups. If the beans are dry, it will be harder to cook and therefore we must boil them.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Pole running green beans

One kind of bean that is used a lot in Portuguese cuisine are the green beans "feijão verde". The development of the plant which gives this kind of bean is made climbing along stakes. That's why they are called climbing beans.
After the beans germinate and after chop beans which are too close to each other, it's time to put up stakes for the beans so they can climb up as they wish.
This type of culture needs to be watered more often than other types of beans.
The most important pest of these kind of culture the bean's lice, which we need to be very careful and staying alert.
The green bean "feijão verde" is usually eaten while they are green, usually used in soup or included in a boiled fish meal. But if the aim is to have beans for the entire year, it is best to let them dry first one or two days and put them in the freezer just after. In this case the bean is harvested as dry as possible, threshed, packed and ready to go to the freezer.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Peppers, problems with the freeze

The peppers start well, but cold nights stopped their growth. Now, with the days beginning to be warm while Summer is arriving, we hope that peppers awake and begin to develop strongly. As you can see the leaves are shriveled and with a withered aspect due to the cold.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Sowing pumpkins

Pumpkin is a fruit very important, especially for its nutrition values and by its diversity inclusion in meals. The pumpkin seeds are considered protein supplements.

Most soils can be used for growing pumpkins, if properly prepared. The way the soil is dug, its fertilization, the sowing, the weeding, the watering and the area of ​the ​land required for the pumpkins to develop and expand themselves are important to have the expected good results.

Monday 10 June 2013

The first grape berries rise

With the beginning of June the first grape berries rise.

The vine is subject to attack by many pests or diseases which must be protected specially in the vegetative cycle.

Weather conditions greatly influence the mode and intensity of the attack, but the conduct of the vineyard, its sanity, the quality of prevention and caste whose resistance to diseases and pests can be very different from each other, also determine the severity of the occurrence.

The primary treatment phase takes place in a relatively short period of time: from the cotton bud till the closure curl, i.e. the first 3 months of vegetative cycle. The long, hot and dry Summer, main characteristics of the Mediterranean climate, usually does not require treatment between the close of the berry and the painter (the moment when the berries come color), and from then to the proximity of harvest limits the application of most treatments.

Friday 7 June 2013

Broad beans: end of the harvest

The beans came close to a month to be taken and 90% went to the freezer to be consumed throughout the year. The beans are a vegetable that does not require great care in their development. In the end there are only the branches that will be buried to enrich the soil.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Potatoes branches to be buried

This year the potatoes were not watered. The weather was very rainy, and too much water does not favor a large production of potatoes, in addition of being smaller than in previous years. After potatoes uprooted from the land, they were left a day in the sun to dry. The next day they were collected, cleaned and stored in a clean and no light environment, while the branches remained on the surface of the ground to be buried in the future.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Broad beans best fixing nitrogen plant

Broad beans is the best fixing plant of nitrogen because it fixes the nitrogen from air into their roots. Plants need nitrogen and much of them are not that really good nitrogen fixing plants, so the farmer needs to give nitrogen to their roots. You will enrich the soil it you bury the board beans plant after the harvest to recover the levels of nitrogen. Culture after culture the soil will need more nitrogen so it is better if we rotate between a culture of board beans and a culture of plants which needs much nitrogen. You will enrich the soil and it will thank you for that.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Spinach for soup

Like popeye the sailor man, we all eat spinach at home. Spinach is a weed originated in South Asia and we usually use it for soups. It is important you clean it well before cooking and the cooking water should be discarded. This vegetable has a high number of nutrients that makes us stronger.

It is planted in a shaded area with easy access to water. Throughout the year there is a good production of spinach with the exception of the colder months like December and January.

Monday 3 June 2013

Digging up potatoes

After two days digging up potatoes, it's time to pick them. First were harvested the larger potatoes, then the smaller and finally the trimmed ones and the potatoes which were tapped by the hoe. The big and small potatoes were cleaned and placed in a clean place with low light to avoid becoming green. The trimmed ​​potatoes or tapped by the hoe were cleaned and separated from the rest to be eaten in the short term.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Little beans are born

The cultivation of beans, starts in the month of March and can go until September, the process always follows the same principle: DO NOT LET THE SEED IN CONTACT WITH THE FERTILIZER.

Covering the fertilizer to place seed
Placing the seeds in the intermediate spaces between fertilizer or the first covering with a little soil and then the seeds.